Sometimes a good retoucher, like a great cup of tea, can make your workload feel lighter than air!

Over the past year I’ve been lucky to get to work with some amazing photographers, among them are Judy Doherty and Rachel Neville. And while Judy shoots food and Rachel shoots dancers I’ve always enjoyed working on a broad range of images, always bringing the same approach to every project I work on.

That approach starts with talking with the client to be sure I understand what the vision is for this project. Whether that’s simply cleaning up and color correcting, or it’s compositing, extending, color grading etc etc, understanding your vision is step one.

Then it’s simply a matter of applying the skills I’ve gained over 30 years of retouching to bring that vision to life.

In the image of the tea service on the left that involved cleaning up and bringing life to the colors in the shot. In the image on the right of the dancer in mid air that involved extending backgrounds, smoothing wrinkles, retouching skin and coming up with a color grade that helped emotion the photographer, Rachel Neville, had in mind.

Whatever your vision is for your project I’d love to help bring it to life, lightening your workload along the way.

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