©Kourosh Sotoodeh


As a Retoucher my job is to make my clients’ work shine! In the end the ultimate goal is to bring the client’s vision to life. So while every image and project have their own demands and requirements the process always starts with listening. You see listening to our clients is the most important step in any retouching job we take on. It’s only by listening to our clients can we really see what needs to be done.

For instance for beauty images, like the shot above (this was part of a project for photographer Kourosh Sotoodeh), it’s important to understand the client’s tastes and the look they’re after. Kourosh likes a light handed touch so the task here required working to make the skin look perfect while retaining the natural texture, then the hair, eyes and lips all were addressed as well.

But other projects like, the one the shot below (shot by Hunter Freeman), was part of require more extensive work.

©Hunter Freeman

Product shots like this usually involve a good deal of compositing and retouching. This shot was part of a series of images for Motorola and each of the watches had multiple frames composited together to get the just the look Hunter and clients at the ad agency were after.

Working on a wide range of subject matter keeps the work interesting while enabling me to cross populate skills and techniques from the various genres I work on allowing me to solve whatever challenges my clients bring me.

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